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Version: v1.0.x

System requirements

System requirements

Before installing Zowe, ensure that your environment meets the prerequisites.

Common system requirements#

  • z/OS Version 2.2 or later.

  • IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) Version 2.2 or Version 2.3.

    z/OSMF is a prerequisite for the Zowe microservices, Zowe Desktop applications, and Zowe CLI. z/OSMF must be installed and running before you use Zowe. For how to configure z/OSMF to run Zowe, see Configuring z/OSMF.

Zowe Application Framework requirements#

  • Node.js Version or later on the z/OS host where you install the Zowe Application Server

    To install Node.js on z/OS, follow the instructions in Installing Node.js on z/OS.

  • IBM SDK for Java Technology Edition V8 or later

  • 833 MB of HFS file space

  • Supported browsers:

    • Google Chrome V54 or later
    • Mozilla Firefox V44 or later
    • Safari V11 or later
    • Microsoft Edge (Windows 10)

Zowe CLI requirements#

Zowe CLI is supported on platforms where Node.js 8.0 or 10 is available, including Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems.

  • Node.js V8.0 or later on your computer

    Tip: You might need to restart the command prompt after installing Node.js. Issue the command node --version to verify that Node.js is installed. As a best practice, we recommend that you update Node.js regularly to the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version.

  • Node Package Manager V5.0 or later on your computer.

    npm is included with the Node.js installation. Issue the command npm --version to verify that npm is installed.

Free disk space#

Zowe CLI requires approximately 100 MB of free disk space. The actual quantity of free disk space consumed might vary depending on the operating system where you install Zowe CLI.