zowe › zos-workflows › list › active-workflows
List active workflow instance(s) in z/OSMF. Multiple filters can be used together. Omitting all options will list all workflows on the sysplex
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflows [options]
(string)- Filter by workflow name. For wildcard use .*
(string)- Filter by the category of the workflows, which is either general or configuration.
(string)- Filter by the nickname of the system on which the workflows is/are active.
(string)- Filter by owner of the workflow(s) (a valid z/OS user ID).
(string)- Filter by the name of the vendor that provided the workflow(s) definition file.
(string)Filter by the status of the workflow(s).
Allowed values: in-progress, complete, automation-in-progress, canceled
Zosmf Connection Options
(string)- The z/OSMF server host name.
(number)The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
(string)- Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
(string)- Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
(boolean)Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
(string)- The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
(string)- The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
Response Format Options
(array)- Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single field/property or a list of a single field/property.
(string)The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type (JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object). Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
(boolean)- If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers in the output.
List the workflow with name "testworkflow":
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflows --wn "testworkflow"
List multiple active workflows on the entire syspex with names containing"workflow":
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflows --wn ".*workflow.*"
List multiple active workflows on system "IBMSYS" with names beginnig with "testW" that are in status "complete":
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflows --wn "test.*" --sys "IBMSYS" --sn "complete"