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Version: v1.13.x LTS

Implementing profiles in a plug-in

Implementing profiles in a plug-in

You can use this profile template to create a profile for your product.

The profile definition is placed in the imperative.ts file.

someproduct will be the profile name that you might require on various commands to have credentials loaded from a secure credential manager and retain host/port information (so that you can easily swap to different servers) from the CLI).

By default, if your plug-in is installed into Zowe™ CLI that contains a profile definition like this, commands will automatically be created under zowe profiles ... to create, validate, set default, list, etc... for your profile.

profiles: [    {      type: "someproduct",      schema: {        type: "object",        title: "Configuration profile for SOME PRODUCT",        description: "Configuration profile for SOME PRODUCT ",        properties: {          host: {            type: "string",            optionDefinition: {              type: "string",              name: "host",              alias:["H"],              required: true,              description: "Host name of your SOME PRODUCT REST API server"            }          },          port: {            type: "number",            optionDefinition: {              type: "number",              name: "port",               alias:["P"],                       required: true,              description: "Port number of your SOME PRODUCT REST API server"            }          },          user: {            type: "string",            optionDefinition: {              type: "string",              name: "user",              alias:["u"],                        required: true,              description: "User name to authenticate to your SOME PRODUCT REST API server"            },            secure: true          },          password: {            type: "string",            optionDefinition: {              type: "string",              name: "password",              alias:["p"],                        required: true,              description: "Password to authenticate to your SOME PRODUCT REST API server"            },            secure: true          },        },        required: ["host", "port", "user", "password"],      },      createProfileExamples: [        {         options: "spprofile --host zos123 --port 1234 --user ibmuser --password myp4ss",         description: "Create a SOME PRODUCT profile named 'spprofile' to connect to SOME PRODUCT at host zos123 and port 1234"        }      ]    }]

Next steps#

If you completed all previous tutorials, you now understand the basics of extending and developing plug-ins for Zowe CLI. Next, we recommend reviewing the project contribution guidelines and Imperative CLI Framework documentation to learn more.

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