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Version: v1.19.x LTS

API Gateway configuration parameters

API Gateway configuration parameters

As an application developer who wants to change the default configuration of the API Mediation Layer, set the following parameters by modifying the <Zowe install directory>/components/gateway/bin/ file:

Runtime configuration#

This section describes runtime configuration properties.

  • apiml.service.hostname

    This property is used to set the API Gateway hostname.

  • apiml.service.port

    This property is used to set the API Gateway port.

  • apiml.service.discoveryServiceUrls

    This property specifies the Discovery Service URL used by the service to register to Eureka.

  • apiml.service.preferIpAddress

    Set the value of this property to true to advertize a service IP address instead of its hostname.


    • If you set this property to true on the Discovery service, ensure that you modify the value of discoveryLocations: to use the IP address instead of the hostname. Failure to modify the discoveryLocations: value prevents Eureka from detecting registered services. As a result, the available-replicas is empty.
    • Enabling this property may also cause issues with SSL certificates and Subject Alternative Name (SAN).

    This property specifies the location of the EhCache used by Spring.

    Note: It is necessary for the API ML process to have write access to the cache location.


    This parameter makes it possible to prevent server certificate validation.

    Important! Ensure that this parameter is set to true in production environments. Setting this parameter to false in production environments significantly degrades the overall security of the system.


    This parameter specifies the z/OSMF service id used as authentication provider. The service id is defined in the static definition of z/OSMF. The default value is zosmf.

  • apiml.zoweManifest

    This parameter lets you view the Zowe version by using the /version endpoint. To view the version requires setting up the launch parameter of the API Gateway - apiml.zoweManifest with a path to the Zowe build manifest.json file. This file is usually located in the root folder of Zowe build. If the encoding of manifest.json file is different from UTF-8 and IBM1047, it requires setting up the launch parameter of API Gateway - apiml.zoweManifestEncoding with correct encoding.

Note: It is also possible to know the version of API ML and Zowe (if API ML used as part of Zowe), using the /api/v1/gateway/version endpoint in the API Gateway service in the following format:


    This property is relevant only when the JWT token is generated by the API Mediation Layer. API ML generation of the JWT token occurs in the following cases:

    • z/OSMF is only available as an older version which does not support JWT tokens

    • The SAF provider is used

      To use a custom configuration for z/OSMF which changes the expiration of the LTPA token, it is necessary to also set the expiration in this parameter.

      Note: The default value is 8 hours which mimicks the 8 hour default expiration of the LTPA token in z/OSMF.

      Follow these steps:

    1. Open the file <Zowe install directory>/components/gateway/bin/
    2. Find the line that contains -cp ${ROOT_DIR}"/components/gateway/gateway-service.jar":/usr/include/java_classes/IRRRacf.jar.
    3. Before this line, add a new line in the following format:{expirationTimeInSeconds} \
    • {expirationTimeInSeconds} refers to the specific time before expiration
    1. Restart Zowe&trade.
  • ibm.serversocket.recover

    In a multiple network stack environment (CINET), when one of the stacks fails, no notification or Java™ exception occurs for a Java program that is listening on an INADDR_ANY socket. When new stacks become available, the Java application does not become aware of them until the application rebinds the INADDR socket. By default, this parameter is enabled in the API Gateway. As a result, the NetworkRecycledException exception is thrown to the application to allow it to either fail or attempt to rebind. For more information, see the IBM documentation.


    This property is a standard Java system property which is used by the disk-based storage policies. It determines where the JVM writes temporary files, including those written by these storage policies. The default value is typically /tmp on Unix-like platforms.

  • spring.profiles.include

    This property can be used to unconditionally add active profiles. For more information, see Spring documentation.

  • server.maxTotalConnections and server.maxConnectionsPerRoute

    These two properties are used to set the number of concurrent connections. Any connection requests that are made that would put the number of connections over either of these limits are queued until an existing connection completes. The API Gateway is built on top of Apache HTTP components that require these two connection limits for concurrent requests. For more information, see Apache documentation.

Service configuration#

For information about service configuration parameters, see Onboarding a REST API service with the Plain Java Enabler (PJE).

Zuul configuration#

As a provider for routing and filtering, the API Gateway contains a Zuul configuration as shown in the following example.


zuul:    sslHostnameValidationEnabled: false    addProxyHeaders: true    traceRequestBody: true    ignoreSecurityHeaders: false    includeDebugHeader: false    sensitiveHeaders: Expires,Date    ignoredPatterns:        - /ws/**    host:        connectTimeoutMillis: ${apiml.gateway.timeoutMillis}        socketTimeoutMillis: ${apiml.gateway.timeoutMillis}        maxTotalConnetions: ${server.maxConnectionsPerRoute}        maxPerRouteConnections: ${server.maxTotalConnections}    forceOriginalQueryStringEncoding: true    retryable: true    decodeUrl: false # Flag to indicate whether to decode the matched URL or use it as is

The Zuul configuration allows the API Gateway to act as a reverse proxy server through which API requests can be routed from clients on the northbound edge to z/OS servers on the southbound edge.

Note: For more information about Zuul configuration parameters, see the Spring Cloud Netflix documentation.

Hystrix configuration#

The API Gateway contains a Hystrix configuration as shown in the following example.


hystrix:    command:        default:            fallback:                enabled: false            circuitBreaker:                enabled: false            execution:                timeout:                    enabled: false                isolation:                    thread:                        timeoutInMilliseconds: ${apiml.gateway.timeoutMillis}                    strategy: SEMAPHORE                    semaphore:                        maxConcurrentRequests: ${server.maxTotalConnections}

Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and third-party libraries, stop cascading failure, and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable.

Note: For more information about Hystrix configuration parameters, see the Netflix - Hystrix documentation.

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