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Version: v1.2.x

Error reporting UI

Error reporting UI

The zLUX Widgets repository contains shared widget-like components of the Zowe Desktop, including Button, Checkbox, Paginator, various pop-ups, and others. To maintain consistency in desktop styling across all applications, use, reuse, and customize existing widgets to suit the purpose of the application's function and look.

Ideally, a program should have little to no logic errors. Once in a while a few occur, but more commonly an error occurs from misconfigured user settings. A user might request an action or command that requires certain prerequisites, for example: a proper ZSS-Server configuration. If the program or method fails, the program should notify the user through the UI about the error and how to fix it. For the purposes of this discussion, we will use the Workflow application plug-in in the zlux-workflow repository.


The ZluxPopupManagerService is a standard popup widget that can, through its reportError() method, be used to display errors with attributes that specify the title or error code, severity, text, whether it should block the user from proceeding, whether it should output to the logger, and other options you want to add to the error dialog. ZluxPopupManagerService uses both ZluxErrorSeverity and ErrorReportStruct.

`export declare class ZluxPopupManagerService {`
    eventsSubject: any;    listeners: any;    events: any;    logger: any;    constructor();    setLogger(logger: any): void;    on(name: any, listener: any): void;    broadcast(name: any, ...args: any[]): void;    processButtons(buttons: any[]): any[];    block(): void;    unblock(): void;    getLoggerSeverity(severity: ZluxErrorSeverity): any;    reportError(severity: ZluxErrorSeverity, title: string, text: string, options?: any): Rx.Observable<any>;`}`


ZluxErrorSeverity classifies the type of report. Under the popup-manager, there are the following types: error, warning, and information. Each type has its own visual style. To accurately indicate the type of issue to the user, the error or pop-up should be classified accordingly.

`export declare enum ZluxErrorSeverity {`
    ERROR = "error",    WARNING = "warning",    INFO = "info",`}`


ErrorReportStruct contains the main interface that brings the specified parameters of reportError() together.

`export interface ErrorReportStruct {`
    severity: string;    modal: boolean;    text: string;    title: string;    buttons: string[];`}`


Import ZluxPopupManagerService and ZluxErrorSeverity from widgets. If you are using additional services with your error prompt, import those too (for example, LoggerService to print to the logger or GlobalVeilService to create a visible semi-transparent gray veil over the program and pause background tasks). Here, widgets is imported from node_modules\@zlux\ so you must ensure zLUX widgets is used in your package-lock.json or package.json and you have run npm install.

import { ZluxPopupManagerService, ZluxErrorSeverity } from '@zlux/widgets';


Create a member variable within the constructor of the class you want to use it for. For example, in the Workflow application plug-in under \zlux-workflow\src\app\app\zosmf-server-config.component.ts is a ZosmfServerConfigComponent class with the pop-up manager service variable. To automatically report the error to the console, you must set a logger.

`export class ZosmfServerConfigComponent {`
    constructor(    private popupManager: ZluxPopupManagerService, )    {  popupManager.setLogger(logger); } //Optional`}`


Now that you have declared your variable within the scope of your program's class, you are ready to use the method. The following example describes an instance of the reload() method in Workflow that catches an error when the program attempts to retrieve a configuration from a configService and set it to the program's this.config. This method fails when the user has a faulty zss-Server configuration and the error is caught and then sent to the class' popupManager variable from the constructor above.

`reload(): void {`
    this.globalVeilService.showVeil();    this.configService      .getConfig()      .then(config => (this.config = config))      .then(_ => setTimeout(() => this.test(), 0))      .then(_ => this.globalVeilService.hideVeil())      .catch(err => {        this.globalVeilService.hideVeil()        let errorTitle: string = "Error";        let errorMessage: string = "Server configuration not found. Please check your zss server.";        const options = {          blocking: true        };          this.popupManager.reportError(ZluxErrorSeverity.ERROR, errorTitle.toString()+": "+err.status.toString(), errorMessage+"\n"+err.toString(), options);          });`}`

Here, the errorMessage clearly describes the error with a small degree of ambiguity as to account for all types of errors that might occur from that method. The specifics of the error are then generated dynamically and are printed with the err.toString(), which contains the more specific information that is used to pinpoint the problem. The method triggers the error prompt to display. The error severity is set with ZluxErrorSeverity.ERROR and the err.status.toString() describes the status of the error (often classified by a code, for example: 404). The optional parameters in options specify that this error will block the user from interacting with the application plug-in until the error is closed or it until goes away on its own. globalVeilService is optional and is used to create a gray veil on the outside of the program when the error is caused. You must import globalVeilService separately (see the zlux-workflow repository for more information).


The final step is to have the recently created error dialog display in the application plug-in. If you do without adding the component to your template, the error will not be displayed. Navigate to your component's .html file. On the Workflow application plug-in, this file will be in \zlux-workflow\src\app\app\zosmf-server-config.component.html and the only item left is to add the popup manager component alongside your other classes.


So now when the error is called, the new UI element should resemble the following:

UI element

The order in which you place the pop-up manager determines how the error dialog will overlap in your UI. If you want the error dialog to overlap other UI elements, place it at the end of the .html file. You can also create custom styling through a CSS template, and add it within the scope of your application plug-in.