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Version: v1.6.x

Configuring the Zowe runtime

Configuring the Zowe runtime

After you install Zowe™ through either the convenience build by running the -I command or through the SMP/E build by running the RECEIVE and APPLY jobs, you will have a Zowe runtime directory. You must configure the Zowe runtime before it can be started.

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Configuring the Zowe runtime directory
    1. Environment variables
    2. Configuration variables
  3. Configuring the ZOWESVR started task
    1. Creating the ZOWESVR PROCLIB member to launch the Zowe runtime
    2. Configuring ZOWESVR to run under the correct user ID
    3. Granting users permission to access Zowe
  4. The Zowe Cross Memory Server
    1. Creating the Cross Memory Server directory
    2. Manually installing the Zowe Cross Memory Server
    3. Installing the Cross Memory Server using the script
  5. Starting and stopping the Zowe runtime on z/OS
    1. Starting the ZOWESVR PROC
    2. Stopping the ZOWESVR PROC
  6. Starting and stopping the Zowe Cross Memory Server on z/OS


  • The user ID that is used to perform the configuration part of the installation must have authority to read the z/OSMF keyring. For how to check the name of the keyring and grant read access to the keyring, see the Trust z/OSMF certificate topic.

  • The user ID that is used to perform the configuration part of the installation must have READ permission for the BPX.JOBNAME FACILITY class. To display who is authorized to the FACILITY class, issue the following command:


    Additionally, you need to activate facility class, permit BPX.JOBNAME, and refresh facility class:


    For more information, see Setting up the UNIX-related FACILITY and SURROGAT class profiles.

Configuring the Zowe runtime directory#

You configure the Zowe runtime directory by running the script scripts/configure/

Before you run the script scripts/configure/, check the values of environment variables and configuration variables in the scripts/configure/zowe-install.yaml file, as these are used to configure Zowe during execution of the script

For the convenience build, the location of the Zowe runtime directory will be the value of the install:rootDir parameter from the file scripts/configure/zowe-install.yaml.

Environment variables#

To configure the Zowe runtime, a number of ZFS folders need to be located for prerequisites on the platform that Zowe needs to operate. These can be set as environment variables before the script is run. If the environment variables are not set, the configuration script will attempt to locate default values.

  • ZOWE_JAVA_HOME: The path where 64 bit Java 8 or later is installed. Defaults to /usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64.
  • ZOWE_EXPLORER_HOST: The hostname of where the explorer servers are launched from. Defaults to running hostname -c.

When you run the configuration script for the first time, the script attempts to locate environment variables. The configuration script creates a files named .zowe_profile that resides in the current user's home directory and adds lines that specify the values of the environment variables to the file. The next time you run the install script, it uses the same values in this file to avoid having to define them each time a runtime is configured.

Each time you run the configuration script, it retrieves environment variable settings in the following ways.

  • When the .zowe-profile file exists in the home directory, the install script uses the values in this file to set the environment variables.
  • When the .zowe-profile file does not exist, the configuration script checks if the .profile file exists in the home directory. If it does exist, the install script uses the values in this file to set the environment variables. The install script does not update or execute the .profile file.

You can create, edit, or delete the .zowe_profile file (as needed) before each install to set the variables to the values that you want. We recommend that you do not add commands to the .zowe_profile file, with the exception of the export command and shell variable assignments.


  • If you wish to set the environment variables for all users, add the lines to assign the variables and their values to the file /etc/profile.
  • If the environment variables for ZOWE_ZOSMF_PATH, ZOWE_JAVA_HOME are not set and the install script cannot determine a default location, the install script will prompt for their location. The install script will not continue unless valid locations are provided.
  • Ensure that the value of the ZOWE_EXPLORER_HOST variable is accessible from a machine external to the z/OS environment thus users can log in to Zowe from their desktops. When there is no environment variable set and there is no .zowe_profile file with the variable set, the install script will default to the value of hostname -c. In this case, ensure that the value of hostname -c is externally accessible from clients who want to use Zowe as well as internally accessible from z/OS itself. If not accessible, then set an environment variable with ZOWE_EXPLORER_HOST set to the correct host name, or create and update the .zowe_profile file in the current user's home directory.
  • Ensure that the value of the ZOWE_IPADDRESS variable is set correctly for your system. This should be the IP address of your z/OS system which is externally accessible from clients who want to use Zowe. This is particularly important for zD&T and cloud systems, where ping or dig on z/OS would return a different IP address from the one that external clients would use to access z/OS.

Configuration variables#

The file scripts/configure/zowe-install.yaml contains key:value pairs that configure the Zowe runtime.

Directory that stores configuration#

install:userDir is the directory that Zowe uses to store configuration. The default directory is ~/zowe-user-dir where ~ is the home directory of the user who performs the installation. If you use the default directory, ensure that the account that runs Zowe (default of IZUSVR) has write permission to both the home directory and the zowe-user-dir directory.

Address space name#

install:prefix defines a prefix for Zowe address space STC name associated with USS processes. With this, the individual address spaces can be distinguished from each other in RMF records or SDSF views.

STC names have certain components and use the following format:



  • pfx - Prefix that contains up to four characters, for example, ZOWE.

  • n - Instance number

  • SS - A subcomponent. SS can be one of the following values:

    • AG - API ML Gateway
    • AD - API ML Discovery Service
    • AC - API ML Catalog
    • EJ - Explorer API Jobs
    • EF - Explorer API Data Sets
    • UD - Explorer UI Data Sets
    • UJ - Explorer UI Jobs
    • UU - Explorer UI USS
    • DT - Zowe Desktop Application Server

The STC name of the main started task is pfxnSV. To view all the STCs for your instance of ZOWE in SDSF, you can use the PREFIX pfxn*.



in the zowe-install.yaml file defines a prefix of ZOWE for the STC, so the first instance of Zowe API ML Gateway identifier will be as follows:


Port allocations#

The port values are defined in the scripts/configure/zowe-install.yaml file.

  • Zowe API Mediation Layer has three HTTPS ports, one for each micro-service; API Gateway, API Discovery and API Catalog.
  • z/OS Services has HTTPS ports for each of its micro-services; jobs and the data sets.
  • z/OS desktop apps has three ports for each of its explorer apps; USS Explorer, MVS Explorer, JES Explorer
  • The Zowe App Server has two ports: the HTTPS port used by the Zowe Application Server, and an HTTP port that is used by the ZSS Server.


  api-mediation:    catalogPort=7552    discoveryPort=7553    gatewayPort=7554    externalCertificate=    externalCertificateAlias=    externalCertificateAuthorities=    verifyCertificatesOfServices=true    enableSso=false    zosmfKeyring=IZUKeyring.IZUDFLT
  zos-services:    jobsAPIPort=8545    mvsAPIPort=8547
  zowe-desktop-apps:    jobsExplorerPort=8546    mvsExplorerPort=8548    ussExplorerPort=8550
  zlux-server:   httpsPort=8544   zssPort=8542

Notes: If all of the default port values are acceptable, the ports do not need to be changed. To allocate ports, ensure that the ports are not in use for the Zowe runtime servers.

To determine which ports are not available, follow these steps:

  1. Display a list of ports that are in use with the following command:

  2. Display a list of reserved ports with the following command:


The zowe-install.yaml file also contains the telnet and SSH port with defaults of 23 and 22. If your z/OS LPAR is using different ports, edit the values. This allows the TN3270 terminal desktop application to connect as well as the VT terminal desktop application.

Note: Unlike the ports needed by the Zowe runtime for its Zowe Application Framework and z/OS Services which must be unused, the terminal ports are expected to be in use.

  # Ports for the TN3270 and the VT terminal to connect to  terminals:      sshPort=22      telnetPort=23

PROCLIB member name#

When the Zowe runtime is launched, it is run under a z/OS started task (STC). The PROCLIB can be automatically created if desired, for example if the install is being run as part of a pipeline. Alternatively,you can disable auto-creation by commenting out the zowe-server-proclib: block.

The scripts/configure/zowe-install.yaml file contains the dataset name and member name of the ZOWESVR JCL to be used to run Zowe.


  # started task JCL member for Zowe job  zowe-server-proclib:  # dsName=SYS1.PROCLIB       dsName=auto    memberName=ZOWESVR

Follow these steps:

  1. Specify the dataset name of the PROCLIB member you want to use with the dsName tag. For example,


    The following guidelines apply.

    • Do not enclose the dataset name in quotes.
    • The dataset name is not case-sensitive, but the dsName tag is case-sensitive and must be written exactly as shown.
    • The dataset name must be an existing z/OS dataset in the PROCLIB concatenation. The user who installs Zowe must have update access to this dataset.
    • If you omit the dsName tag or specify dsName=auto, the install script scans the available PROCLIB datasets and places the JCL member in the first dataset where the installing user has write access.
  2. Specify the member name of the PROCLIB member you want to use with the memberName tag. For example,


    The following guidelines apply.

    • Do not enclose the member name in quotes.
    • The member name is not case-sensitive, but the memberName tag is case-sensitive and must be written exactly as shown.
    • The member name must be a valid PDS member name in z/OS. If the member already exists, it will be overwritten.
    • If you omit the memberName tag or specify memberName=, the install script uses ZOWESVR.


You can use existing certificate signed by an external certificate authority (CA) for HTTPS ports in API Mediation Layer and Zowe Application Framework, or else you can let the Zowe configuration script generate a certificated self-signed by the local API Mediation CA.

If you let the Zowe configuration generate a self-signed certificate, then it needs to be imported into your browser to avoid challenges about untrusted network traffic. See Import the local CA certificate to your browser.

You can use an existing server certificate that is signed by an external CA such as a CA managed by the IT department of your company. The benefit of such certificate is that it will be trusted by browsers in your company.

You can even use a public certificate authority such as Symantec, Comodo, or GoDaddy. Such certificate are trusted by all browsers and most REST API clients. This is, however, a manual process of requesting a certificate. As such, we recommend to start with the local API Mediation Layer CA for an initial evaluation.

You can use an existing certificate with the following procedure.

Follow these steps:

  1. Update the value of externalCertificate in the api-mediation section of the scripts/configure/zowe-install.yaml file. The value needs to point to a keystore in PKCS12 format that contains the certificate with its private key. The file needs to be transferred as a binary to the z/OS system. Currently only the PKCS12 keystore with the password set to password are supported.

  2. Update the value of externalCertificateAlias to the alias of the server certificate in the keystore.

  3. Update the value of externalCertificateAuthorities to the path of the public certificate of the certificate authority that has the signed the certificate. You can add additional certificate authorities separated by spaces. This can be used for certificate authorities that have signed the certificates of the services that you want to access via the API Mediation Layer.

  4. (Optional) If you have trouble getting the certificates and you want only to evaluate Zowe, you can switch off the certificate validation by setting verifyCertificatesOfServices=false. The HTTPS will still be used but the API Mediation Layer will not validate any certificate.

Important! Switching off certificate evaluation is a non-secure setup.


  api-mediation:      externalCertificate=/path/to/keystore.p12      externalCertificateAlias=servercert      externalCertificateAuthorities=/path/to/cacert.cer      verifyCertificatesOfServices=true

You may also receive the following message: --action trust-zosmf has failed.WARNING: z/OSMF is not trusted by the API Mediation Layer. Follow instructions in Zowe documentation about manual steps to trust z/OSMF

This error does not interfere with installation progress and can be remediated after the install completes. See Trust z/OSMF Certificate for more details.

Unix File Permissions#

The next configuration step is to set the file and directory permissions correctly to allow the Zowe runtime servers to start and operate successfully.

The configuration script will execute the file scripts/ in the Zowe runtime directory.

  • If the script is successful, the result is reported.
  • If for any reason the script fails to run because of insufficient authority by the user running the install, the install process reports the errors. A user with sufficient authority should then run the
  • If you attempt to start the Zowe runtime servers without the having successfully completed, the results are unpredictable and Zowe runtime startup or runtime errors will occur.

Configuring the ZOWESVR started task#

Zowe has a number of runtimes on z/OS: the z/OS Service microservice server, the Zowe Application Server, and the Zowe API Mediation Layer microservices. A single PROCLIB is used to start all of these microservices. The configuration step of the Zowe runtime will create the PROCLIB member and by default attempt to add it to the first available PROCLIB in the JES2 concatenation path.

Creating the ZOWESVR PROCLIB member to launch the Zowe runtime#

Note: The name of the PROCLIB member might vary depending on the standards in place at each z/OS site, however for this documentation, the PROCLIB member is called ZOWESVR.

At the end of the configuration, a Unix file ZOWESVR.jcl is created under the scripts runtime directory. The contents of this file need to placed in a JCL member of the PROCLIB concatenation for the Zowe runtime in order for it to be executed as a started task. By default the configuration script does this automatically. If the user specifies dsName=auto, or omits the dsName tag, or sets it to null by coding dsName=, the install script proceeds as follows and stops after the first successful write to the destination PROCLIB.

  1. Try JES2 PROCLIB concatenation.
  2. Try master JES2 JCL.
  3. Try SYS1.PROCLIB.

If this succeeds, you will see a message like the following one:


Otherwise you will see messages beginning with the following information:

Failed to put ZOWESVR.JCL in a PROCLIB dataset.

In this case, you need to copy the PROC manually. Issue the TSO oget command to copy the ZOWESVR.jcl file to the preferred PROCLIB:

oget '$INSTALL_DIR/files/templates/ZOWESVR.jcl' 'MY.USER.PROCLI(ZOWESVR)'

You can place the PROC in any PROCLIB data set in the PROCLIB concatenation, but some data sets such as SYS1.PROCLIB might be restricted, depending on the permission of the user.

You can tailor the JCL at this line

//ZOWESVR   PROC SRVRPATH='{{root_dir}}'

to replace the root_dir with the location of the Zowe runtime directory that contains the z/OS Services. The install process inserts the expanded install:rootDir value from the scripts/configure/zowe-install.yaml file into the SRVRPATH for you by default. Otherwise you must specify that path on the START command when you start Zowe in SDSF:


Configuring ZOWESVR to run under the correct user ID#

The ZOWESVR must be configured as a started task (STC) under the IZUSVR user ID. This only needs to be done once per z/OS system and would be typically done the first time you configure a Zowe runtime. If the Zowe runtime is uninstalled or a new Zowe is installed and configured, you do not need to re-run the step to associate the ZOWESVR STC with the Zowe user ID of IZUSVR.

To configure ZOWESVR to run as a STC under the user ID of IZUSVR, you can run the convenience script scripts/configure/ in the runtime folder.

Alternatively, if you do not wish to run this script, you can manually configure ZOWESVR to run under the IZUSVR user ID by taking the following steps.

Note: You must replace ZOWESVR in the commands below with the name of your PROCLIB member that you specified as memberName=ZOWESVR in the scripts/configure/zowe-install.yaml file.

  • If you use RACF, issue the following commands:

  • If you use CA ACF2, issue the following commands:

  • If you use CA Top Secret, issue the following commands:


Granting users permission to access Zowe#

TSO user IDs using Zowe must have permission to access the z/OSMF services that are used by Zowe. They should be added to the the IZUUSER group for standard users or IZUADMIN for administrators,

  • If you use RACF, issue the following command:

  • If you use CA ACF2, issue the following commands:

  • If you use CA Top Secret, issue the following commands:


The Zowe Cross Memory Server#

The Zowe Cross Memory Server provides privileged cross-memory services to Zowe. To operate, the Zowe Desktop requires that the server be installed, configured, and started. The Zowe API Mediation Layer does not require the server.

The Cross Memory Server has two components: a server and its auxiliary address spaces. Each runs as a started task. To configure the Cross Memory Server, you must create or edit APF authorized load libraries, program properties table (PPT) entries, and a parmlib. You can configure the Cross Memory Server one of the following ways:

  • Manually
  • Using the script

Before you choose a method, read the documentation below. The manual configuration requires familiarity with z/OS. Running the script requires the ID of the user to have certain authorities and priviledges.

Once the cross memory server is installed and started, the started task ZWESIS01 runs the load library ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX runs the load library ZWESAUX. The ZWESIS01 started task serves the ZOWESVR started task and provides secure services that require running in an APF-authorized state.

Creating the Cross Memory Server directory#

A number of files used by both manual and scripted installation are included in the USS directory xmem-server/zss. If this directory is not in the Zowe runtime directory, you must create it by expanding the file xmem-server/zss.pax. To do this, first create the folder zss beneath xmem-server using the command mkdir zss and navigate into the zss folder using the command cd zss. Then, expand the zss.pax file using the command pax -ppx -rf ../zss.pax.

Manually installing the Zowe Cross Memory Server#

To manually install the Cross Memory Server, take the following steps:

  1. Copy the load modules and add JCL to a PROCLIB:

    a. The Cross Memory Server has two load modules, ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX, provided in ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX files in the xmem-server\zss\LOADLIB directory. To copy the files to a user-defined data set, you can issue the following commands:

    cp -X ZWESIS01 "//'<zwes_loadlib>(ZWESIS01)'"
    cp -X ZWESAUX "//'<zwes_loadlib>(ZWESAUX)'"

    Where <zwes_loadlib> is the name of the data set, for example ZWES.SISLOAD. The <zwes_loadlib> data set must be a PDSE due to language requirements.

    b. You must execute the <zwes_loadlib> data set by using started tasks that use a STEPLIB DD statement so that the appropriate version of the software is loaded correctly. Sample JCL for the PROCLIB is provided in ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX files in the xmem-server/zss/SAMPLIB directory. Copy these to your system PROCLIB, such as SYS1.PROCLIB, or any other PROCLIB in the JES2 Concatenation PROCLIB Path.

    Do not add the <zwes_loadlib> data set to the system LNKLST or LPALST concatenations.

    The user IDs that are assigned to the started tasks must have a valid OMVS segment and read access to the product data sets. The Cross Memory Server loads the modules to LPA for its PC-cp services.

  2. Add PPT entries to the system PARMLIB:

    a. The Cross Memory Server and its auxiliary address spaces must run in key 4 and be non-swappable. For the server to start in this environment, you must add PPT entries for the server and address spaces to the SCHEDxx member of the system PARMLIB. To add PPT entries, you can issue the following commands:


    b. Then issue the following command to make the SCHEDxx changes effective:

    /SET SCH=xx
  3. Add the load libraries to the APF authorization list:

    Because the Cross Memory Server provides priviledges services, its load libraries require APF-authorization. To check whether a load library is APF-authorized, you can issue the following TSO command:


    where the value of DSNAME is the name of the data set that contains the ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX load modules.

    To dynamically add a load library to the APF list if the load library is not SMS-managed, issue the following TSO command:


    If the load library is SMS-managed, issue the following TSO command:


    where the value of DSNAME is the name of the data set that contains the ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX load modules.

  4. Add a PARMLIB member:

    When started, the ZWESIS01 started task must find a valid ZWESISPxx PARMLIB member. The xmem-server/files/zss/SAMPLIB/ZWESIP00 file contains the default configuration values. You can copy this member to your system PARMLIB data set, or allocate the default PDS data set ZWES.SISAMP that is specified in the ZWESIS01 started task JCL.

  5. Configure SAF:

    The Cross Memory Server performs a sequence of SAF checks to protect its services from unauthorized callers. To do this, it uses the FACILITY class and a ZWES.IS entry. Valid callers must have READ access to the ZWES.IS profile. Those callers include the STC user under which the ZOWESVR started task runs. It is recommended that you also grant READ access to the STC user under which the ZWESAUX started task runs.

    To activate the FACILITY class, define a ZWES.IS profile, and grant READ access to the ZOWESVR and ZWESAUX users, issue the following commands. (The commands assume that you will run the ZOWESVR STC under the IZUSVR user):

    • If you use RACF, issue the following commands:

      • To see the current class settings, use:
      • To activate the FACILITY class, use:
      • To RACLIST the FACILITY class, use:
      • To define the ZWES.IS profile in the FACILITY class and grant IZUSVR READ access, issue the following commands:
        where <zwesaux_user> is the user under which the ZWESAUX started task runs.
      • To check whether the permission has been successfully granted, issue the following command:
        This shows the user IDs who have access to the ZWES.IS class, which should include IZUSVR with READ access.
    • If you use CA ACF2, issue the following commands:

    • If you use CA Top Secret, issue the following commands, where owner-acid may be IZUSVR or a different ACID:

      TSS ADD(`owner-acid`) IBMFAC(ZWES.)


    • The Cross Memory Server treats "no decision" style SAF return codes as failures. If there is no covering profile for the ZWES.IS resource in the FACILITY class, the user will be denied.

    • Cross Memory Server clients other than ZSS might have additional SAF security requirements. For more information, see the documentation for the specific client.

  6. Configure an ICSF cryptographic services environment:

    To generate symmetric keys, the IZUSVR user who runs ZOWESVR requires READ access to CSFRNGL in the CSFSERV class.

    Define or check the following configurations depending on whether ICSF is already installed:

    • The ICSF or CSF job that runs on your z/OS system.

    • The configuration of ICSF options in SYS1.PARMLIB(CSFPRM00), SYS1.SAMPLIB, SYS1.PROCLIB.

    • Create CKDS, PKDS, TKDS VSAM data sets.

    • Define and activate the CSFSERV class:

      • If you use RACF, issue the following commands:

        RDEFINE CSFSERV profile-name UACC(NONE)
        PERMIT profile-name CLASS(CSFSERV) ID(tcpip-stackname) ACCESS(READ)
        PERMIT profile-name CLASS(CSFSERV) ID(userid-list)   ... [for userids IKED, NSSD, and Policy Agent]
      • If you use CA ACF2, issue the following commands (note that profile-prefix and profile-suffix are user-defined):

        RECKEY profile-prefix ADD(profile-suffix uid(UID string for tcpip-stackname) SERVICE(READ) ALLOW)   
        RECKEY profile-prefix ADD(profile-suffix uid(UID string for IZUSVR) SERVICE(READ) ALLOW)

        (repeat for userids IKED, NSSD, and Policy Agent)

      • If you use CA Top Secret, issue the following command (note that profile-prefix and profile-suffix are user defined):

        TSS ADDTO(owner-acid) RESCLASS(CSFSERV)                              
        TSS ADD(owner-acid) CSFSERV(profile-prefix.)
        TSS PERMIT(tcpip-stackname) CSFSERV(profile-prefix.profile-suffix) ACCESS(READ)
        TSS PERMIT(user-acid) CSFSERV(profile-prefix.profile-suffix) ACCESS(READ)

        (repeat for user-acids IKED, NSSD, and Policy Agent)


  7. Configure security environment switching:

    When responding to API requests, the node zssServer running under USS must be able to change the security environment of its process to associate itself with the security context of the logged in user. This is called impersonation.

    Typically, the zssServer runs under the ZOWESVR started task. So to enable impersonation, you must grant the user ID associated with the ZOWESVR started task UPDATE access to the BPX.SERVER and BPX.DAEMON FACILITY classes.

    You can issue the following commands first to check if you already have the BPX facilities defined as part of another server configuration, such as the FTPD daemon. Review the output to confirm that the two BPX facilities exist and the user who runs the ZOWESVR started task has UPDATE access to both facilities.

    • If you use RACF, issue the following commands:
    • If you use CA Top Secret, issue the following commands:
    • If you use CA ACF2, issue the following commands:
      LIST BPX

    If the user who runs the ZOWESVR started task does not have UPDATE access to both facilities, follow the instructions below.

    • If you use RACF, complete the following steps:

      1. Activate and RACLIST the FACILITY class. This may have already been done on the z/OS environment if another z/OS server has been previously configured to take advantage of the ability to change its security environment, such as the FTPD daemon that is included with z/OS Communications Server TCP/IP services.
        SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY)                
      2. Define the BPX facilities. This may have already been done on behalf of another server such as the FTPD daemon.
      3. Having activated and RACLIST the FACILITY class, the user ID who runs the ZOWESVR started task must be given update access to the BPX.SERVER and BPX.DAEMON profiles in the FACILITY class.
        PERMIT BPX.DAEMON CLASS(FACILITY) ID(<zowesvr_user>) ACCESS(UPDATE)/* Activate these changes */
      4. Issue the following commands to check whether permission has been successfully granted:
    • If you use CA Top Secret, complete the following steps:

      1. Define the BPX Resource and access for <zss_server_user>.
        TSS ADD(`owner-acid`) IBMFAC(BPX.)
      2. Issue the following commands and review the output to check whether permission has been successfully granted:
    • If you use CA ACF2, complete the following steps:

      1. Define the BPX Resource and access for <zowesvr_user>.
      2. Issue the following commands and review the output to check whether permission has been successfully granted:
        LIST BPX

Installing the Cross Memory Server using the script#

Users with sufficient z/OS authority can install the Cross Memory Server using a script. The script, xmem-server/, reads configuration parameters from the xmem-server/zowe-install-apf-server.yaml file. The script creates the APF authorized load library, copies the load modules, creates the PROCLIB, defines the ZWES.IS FACILITY class, and grants READ access to the STC user under which the ZOWESVR started task runs. It does not perform the following tasks:

Installing using the script#

  1. Specify the following data set parameters in the xmem-server/zowe-install-apf-server.yaml file:
 # Datasets that APF server will be installed into install:   # PROCLIB dataset name (required, no default values)   proclib=   # PARMLIB dataset name (${USER}.PARMLIB by default)   parmlib=   # LOADLIB dataset name (${USER}.LOADLIB by default)   loadlib=


  • install:proclib is the data set name that the ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX JCL members that are used to start the ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX started tasks will be copied into, for example, USER.PROCLIB.
  • install:parmlib is the data set name that the ZWESIP00 PARMLIB member will be copied into and used by the ZWESIS01 PROCLIB. Choose a value such as IZUSVR.PARMLIB.
  • install:loadlib is the data set name that the ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX load modules will be copied into. This data set will be created as a PDSE and be APF authorized by the script. Choose a value such as USER.LOADLIB.
  1. Specify the following user parameters in the xmem-server/zowe-install-apf-server.yaml file:
 # APF server users users:  # User to run Zowe server (required, no default values)  zoweUser=  # TSS Facility Owner (Required for TSS. 'auto' supplies the running user)  tssFacilityOwner=auto  # APF server STC user (ZWESISTC by default)  stcUser=  # APF server STC user UID (required if STC user doesn't exist)  stcUserUid=  # STC user group (required if either STC user or profile doesn't exist)  stcGroup=


  • users:zoweUser is the TSO user ID that the ZOWESVR started task runs under. For the majority of installs, this will be IZUSVR, so enter IZUSVR as the value, and the script will give this user access to the READ ZWES.IS FACILITY class that allows Zowe to use the cross memory server.

  • tssFacilityOwner - If you specify auto (which must be lower case), the result of running the command id -u -n will be used as the value. Otherwise, the given value will be used.

  • users:stcUser is the user ID that the ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX started tasks will be run under. Enter the same value as the user ID that is running ZOWESVR, so choose IZUSVR.

  • users:stcUserUid. This is the Unix user ID of the TSO user ID used to run the ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX started tasks. If the user ID is IZUSVR to see the Unix user ID enter the command id IZUSVR which will return the stcUserUid in the uid result. In the example below IZUSVR has a uid of 210, so users:stcUserUid=210 should be entered.

    /:>id IZUSVRuid=210(IZUSVR) gid=202(IZUADMIN) groups=205(IZUSECAD)
  • users:stcGroup is the user group that the ZWESIS01 and ZWESAUX started tasks will be run under. Enter the same values as the user group that is running ZOWESVR, so choose IZUADMIN.

  1. Add required PPT entries, grant the ZWESAUX user READ access, and if necessary configure an ICSF cryptographic services environment.

  2. Run the script.

Starting and stopping the Zowe runtime on z/OS#

Zowe has a number of runtimes on z/OS: the z/OS Service microservice server, the Zowe Application Server, and the Zowe API Mediation Layer microservices. When you run the ZOWESVR PROC, all of these components start. Stopping ZOWESVR PROC stops all of the components that run as independent Unix processes.

Starting the ZOWESVR PROC#

To start the ZOWESVR PROC, run the script at the Unix Systems Services command prompt:

cd $ZOWE_ROOT_DIR/scripts./


$ZOWE_ROOT_DIR is the directory where you installed the Zowe runtime. This script starts the ZOWESVR PROC for you so you do not have to log on to TSO and use SDSF.

If you prefer to use SDSF to start Zowe, start ZOWESVR by issuing the following operator command in SDSF:


By default, Zowe uses the runtime version that you most recently installed. To start a different runtime, specify its server path on the START command:


To test whether the API Mediation Layer is active, open the URL: https://<hostname>:7554.

To test whether the Zowe desktop is active, open the URL: https://<hostname>:8554.

The port number 7554 is the default API Gateway port and the port number 8554 is the default Zowe desktop port. You can overwrite theses port in the zowe-install.yaml file before the script is run. See the section Port Allocations.

Stopping the ZOWESVR PROC#

To stop the ZOWESVR PROC, run the script at the Unix Systems Services command prompt:

cd $ZOWE_ROOT_DIR/scripts./

If you prefer to use SDSF to stop Zowe, stop ZOWESVR by issuing the following operator command in SDSF:


Either method will stop the z/OS Service microservice server, the Zowe Application Server, and the zSS server.

When you stop the ZOWESVR, you might get the following error message:


This error results when there is more than one started task named ZOWESVR. To resolve the issue, stop the required ZOWESVR instance by issuing the following commands:


You can obtain the asid from the value of A=asid when you issue the following commands:


Starting and stopping the Zowe Cross Memory Server on z/OS#

The Cross Memory server is run as a started task from the JCL in the PROCLIB members ZWESIS01. It supports reusable address spaces and can be started through SDSF with the operator start command with the REUSASID=YES keyword:


To end the Zowe APF Angel process, issue the operator stop command through SDSF:


Note: The starting and stopping of the ZOWESVR for the main Zowe servers is independent of the ZWESIS01 angel process. If you are running more than one ZOWESVR instance on the same LPAR, then these will be sharing the same ZWESIS01 cross memory server. Stopping ZWESIS01 will affect the behavior of all Zowe servers on the same LPAR. The Zowe Cross Memory Server is designed to be a long-lived address space. There is no requirement to recycle on a regular basis. When the cross-memory server is started with a new version of the ZWESIS01 load module, it will abandon its current load module instance in LPA and will load the updated version.