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Version: v1.6.x

Verifying Zowe installation on z/OS

Verifying Zowe installation on z/OS

Once Zowe™ is running and the startup sequence is complete, you can check the configuration files and jobs for Zowe on your z/OS system to ensure that the installation process is successful. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the runtime $ZOWE_ROOT_DIR/scripts directory, where $ZOWE_ROOT_DIR is the location of the Zowe runtime directory.

  2. Run the script by issuing the following command:

The script writes its messages to your terminal window. The results are marked OK, Info, Warning or Error. Correct any reported errors and restart the Zowe server. The script does not change any settings, so you can run it as often as required.

Next steps

Follow the instructions in the following sections to verify that the components are installed correctly and are functional.

Verifying Zowe Application Framework installation#

If the Zowe Application Framework is installed correctly, you can open the Zowe Desktop from a supported browser.

From a supported browser, open the Zowe Desktop at https://myhost:httpsPort/ZLUX/plugins/org.zowe.zlux.bootstrap/web/index.html


  • myHost is the host on which you installed the Zowe Application Server.

  • httpPort is the port number that is assigned to node.http.port in zluxserver.json.

  • httpsPort is the port number that is assigned to node.https.port in zluxserver.json.

    For example, if the Zowe Application Server runs on host myhost and the port number that is assigned to node.https.port is 12345, you specify https://myhost:12345/ZLUX/plugins/org.zowe.zlux.bootstrap/web/index.html.

Verifying z/OS Services installation#

After the ZOWESVR procedure is started, you can verify the installation of z/OS Services from an internet browser by entering the following case-sensitive URL:


where, gatewayPort is the port number that is assigned to api:mediation:gatewayPort in zowe-install.yaml.

Verifying API Mediation installation#

Use your preferred REST API client to review the value of the status variable of the API Catalog service that is routed through the API Gateway using the following URL:


The hostName is set during install, and basePort is set as the gatewayPort parameter.


The following example illustrates how to use the curl utility to invoke API Mediation Layer endpoint and the grep utility to parse out the response status variable value

$ curl -v -k --silent https://hostName:basePort/api/v1/apicatalog/application/health 2>&1 | grep -Po '(?<=\"status\"\:\")[^\"]+'UP

The response UP confirms that API Mediation Layer is installed and is running properly.

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